This fork is still a work in progress however all of the errors that were present in minecraft versions 1.7 - 1.17 have now been fixed.
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UltraCommand allows a server admin to define an unlimited ammount of custom commands that can send the player that executes them messages, run commands as the player or even as the console. This simple plugin could rapidly become a new essential for you. it was a populer bukkit plugin in the past but was abandond some time ago, this is a custom fork that has been patched up with the new bukkit classes, remapped and had all existing known bugs patched. All of the commands that you create can contain as many lines you want simply by adding more via the "/uc add" command or the commands.yml config.
Here is just a few things that you could do with UltraCommand..:
  • Cover up any command from even your admins With UltraCommand you can completely mask any command simply by creating a custom command with the same name, for example if you want to cover simply cover /op and /minecraft: op you can type "/uc add text op &6&l&oPrefix &f&l&o> &cYou do not have access to this command." and then the same again for the command minecraft: op.
    ("permission "ultracommand.commands.op") (no space betwen ": op", listed as is because spigot turns it into a shocked face)
  • Create all your social media commands without execs plugins - As already mentioned you can create as many custom commands as you want, this comes in very useful for when you want to display your social media as a reply to the name as a command. an example of this would be to make /discord respond to players with your discord server invite link, to fo this you can use "/uc add text discord &3&l&oDiscord &f&l&o> &e&n" (permission: "ultracommand.commands.discord"
  • combine multiple commands into 1 script command - You can put as many commands and text reply's as you could possibly need with UltraCommand, an example of this would be if you have 6 worlds on 1 server and you wanted to execute "/stopfire" for each world, to do this you can add a command one after another in chat to create your script, here is an example based on if your worlds were named ABCDE and F..:

    1|  /uc add ccmd StopAllFire stopfire A  . . . . . . . 2|  /uc add ccmd StopAllFire stopfire B
    3|  /uc add ccmd StopAllFire stopfire C  . . . . . . . 4| /uc add ccmd StopAllFire stopfire D
    5|  /uc add ccmd StopAllFire stopfire E  . . . . . . . 6|  /uc add ccmd StopAllFire stopfire F
    (permission: "ultracommand.commands.stopallfire")
  • Create a basic alias - To create a simple alias for any command e.g. turning /lightning into /smite you can do so with the command "/uc add smite lightning"
  • Create an alias for a long command without player permission It's extremely easy to setup a basic alias that you can use to execute another plugin's command's easier. for example if you have a long command like "/tppos <player> <x> <y> <z>" where you've setup a base and want to make it become "/base" but your players don't have the /tppos permission you can do so simply by creating a console command simply by typing "/uc add ccmd tppos $p <x> <y> <z> " the $p referees to the player's username that typed the custom command, so when the player types /base the console will automatically execute "tppos <player> <x> <y> <z>" (permissionultracommand.commands.base")
More exampled below in the Example section 2 below.
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Add a custom command <name>:
/uc add <name>
 . Add an element with content <value> to the command <name>:
/uc add <element> <name> <value>
where <element> is one of:
  • text - Text that will be sent to the player. Colour codes using '&' can be used.
  • chat - Chat messages that will be force-sent by the player. Colour codes using & can be used.
  • pcmd - Commands that will be run as the player. The leading slash is optional.
  • ccmd - Commands that will be run as the console. The leading slash is optional.
If the command named <name> does not exist when this command is run, it is automatically created. This makes it optional to create it with /uc add <name> beforehand however this is not needed.

The element value can contain substitutions (placeholders for data that is specific to a certain time and context a command is run in). A list of substitions is available further down the page.

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Define /ranks to display a list of server ranks to the player:
/uc add ranks (optional)
/uc add text ranks &9-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
/uc add text ranks &9&l| &6&oYourServer &d&oRanks &6&oListed Below! &9&l|
/uc add text ranks &9=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
/uc add text ranks &a&l&oNew &f&l&o> &a&oThe First Rank
/uc add text ranks  &e&l&oSurvival &f&l&o> &e&oThe Second Rank
/uc add text ranks &3&l&oAdv &f&l&o> &3&oThe Third Rank
/uc add text ranks &2&l&oPro &f&l&o>  &2&oThe Fourth Rank
/uc add text ranks &c&l&oVIP &f&l&o> &c&oThe Fifth Rank
/uc add text ranks &6&l&oMLG &f&l&o>  &6&oThe Sixth Rank
/uc add text ranks &d&l&oDonator &f&l&o>  &d&oThe Seventh Rank
/uc add text ranks  &5&l&oMod &f&l&o>  &5&oThe eighth Rank
/uc add text ranks  &4&l&oAdmin &f&l&o> &4&oThe ninth Rank
/uc add text ranks  &6&l&oOwner &f&l&o>  &6&oThe tenth Rank
/uc add text ranks  &5&l&oMod &f&l&o>  &5&oThe eighth Rank
/uc add text ranks &9-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
/uc add text ranks &6&l&oPrefix &f&l&o> &aTo see a list of the commands each rank has, Visit this link! &b&n

Define /welcome <player> to display a welcome message to all new player in a chat :
/uc add welcome
/uc add chat welcome Welcome to YourServer, $1!
The $1 substitution is used to refer to the actual content of <player> part of the command above.

Define /nightvision to give the player the Night Vision effect for an hour.
/uc add nightvision (permission "ultracommand.commands.nightvision")
/uc add ccmd nightvision effect $p 16 3600 10
The $p substitution is used to refer to the player's username.
you can even alias your custom commands e.g.
/uc add pcmd nv nightvision (permission: "ultracommand.commands.nv")

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  • $p - The username of the player running the custom command.
  • $d - The display name of the player running the custom command.
  • $a - All arguments given to the custom command, separated with spaces (e.g. for passing to another command).
  • $1$2$3 etc. - The arguments given to the custom command.
  • $2+$3+ etc. - Like $a, but beginning with the second, third etc. argument.
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  • /ultracommand can be used as an alias to /uc.
  • /uc add <name> - Add a command named <name>.
  • /uc add text <name> <text> - Add text <text> to command <name>.
  • /uc add chat <name> <chat> - Add chat message <chat> to command <name>.
  • /uc add pcmd <name> <command> - Add player command <text> to command <name>.
  • /uc add ccmd <name> <command> - Add console command <text> to command <name>.
  • /uc list [name] - List all commands, or the elements of command <name>.
  • /uc reload - Reload the configuration from disk.
  • /uc remove <name> - Remove command <name>.
  • /uc remove text <name> - Remove all text from command <name>.
  • /uc remove chat <name> - Remove all chat messages from command <name>.
  • /uc remove pcmd <name> - Remove all player commands from command <name>.
  • /uc remove ccmd <name> - Remove all console commands from command <name>.
  • /uc save - Save configuration modified in-game to disk (this is done once per minute automatically with no lag.).
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  • ultracommand.configure - Gives access to use /uc and /ultracommand.
  • ultracommand.commands.* - Gives access to use all custom commands defined with this plugin.
  • ultracommand.commands.<name> - Gives access to use the command named <name> defined with this plugin.
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Development builds can be found Here in the release section of github.
Use these at your own risk. They are not guaranteed to have been fully tested.