+ Added: /hoppers view
Visualizes nearby hoppers and links. Also, lets you disable visualizations.
+ Added: Debug message when deleting link
+ Added: [Suggestion] You can now add items with model data to the list of smeltable items in config.yml:
# Define a list of additional blocks that can be smelt in a furnace. For example, blocks from data-packs.
# You either need to add material values or model-data number values.
# Material values can be found here: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Material.html
smelt_list: []
- Fixed: Displaying of items in GUI menu with strict filtering enabled
+ Improved: Reduced usage of blockState parsing
+ Added: 1.21 Support
- Fixed: Missing message for chat input
- Fixed: Missing message for chat input
- Fixed: not removing hoppers upon lands leave via /lands leave
- Fixed: error when deleting claims on region deletion
- Fixed: Hopper recipe on 1.20.5-6
- Fixed: Chat input with some chat plugins
+ Added: Support for 1.20.5
+ Changed: Prioritize smeltables over fuel. Related to smeltables config option
+ Added: default option to hoppers.yml:
# Is default type? Used if no hopper type is provided at /hopper get.
default: true
- Fixed: [#2519] unlimited support for link distance level
- Fixed: [#2508] default lang option
- Fixed: [#2502] Issues with retrieving skin data for heads, etc. This finally removes errors printed by the server's API. Which might
occur if Mojangs API is down etc.
- Fixed: Missing command: /hopper confirmtp
+ Added: [Suggestion] Visualization for suction radius
Make sure to update the suction item in the GUI language file accordingly:
lore: '&8✖ &7Upgrade the suction radius.[newline] &7The hopper sucks all
items that[newline] &7are in this radius.[newline][newline] &8• &7Current:
{value}[newline] &8• &7Next:&a {value_next}[newline] &7Cost:&c
{cost}[newline][newline]&8✖ &9RIGHT CLICK[newline] &7Toggle suction: {suction_status}[newline]&8✖ &9SHIFT + RIGHT CLICK[newline] &7Visualize suction radius.'
name: '&6&lSuction Radius'
+ Added: You can now set names for hoppers
You might want to change the list item for the /hopper list menu:
lore: '&8✖ &7Open the hoppers menu.[newline][newline]&8✖ &9RIGHT CLICK[newline] &7Teleport
to the hopper[newline] &7for&c {cost}&7.[newline]&8✖ &3DROP[newline] &7Delete
this hopper.[newline] &8• &cThe item can''t be given[newline] &cback
to you, if the area[newline] &cisn''t loaded.'
name: '{name}'
- Fixed: [#2407] hopper item pickup
+ Added: Option to disable hopper removal at untrust
# Remove hoppers of players that get untrusted?
untrust-remove: true
- Fixed: [#2396] filter items pagination
- Fixed: Invalid skin URL for default