Collect & Showcase Statistics To Your Players
Beautiful Inventory Menu
Each inventory item is individually customised to look beautiful and allow for a deeper meaning of its information.
However, if you don't like the look of the main menus, they can be customised via the gui.yml
Organized Statistics
Statistics are beautifully categorized based on their similarities. Accessing and remembering information is extremely easy.
Click to view the categories, statistics & sub-statistics
Flexible Configuration
Despite the plugin's small size, it has everything you need in regards to controlling the plugin.
Almost everything can be configured via the config.yml, messages.yml, dataTypes.yml, gui.yml or commands.yml.
SQL Statistics
Store and update global stats over a BungeeCord/Velocity server-network with just a SQL database.
PlaceholderAPI Compatible
Click to view the available placeholders
Useful Links:
Commands / Permissions / Developer API
Terms of Use
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