Prior to purchasing this plugin, you must read carefully, understand, and accept these Terms of Use and License.
By purchasing or using this plugin, you are acknowledging that you are the legal age of majority in your country (or have your parent/guardian's express permission) and have read and agree to the Terms of Service and License at the bottom of this page, AND FULLY UNDERSTAND AND ASSUME RESPONSIBILITY FOR ALL OF THE RISKS ASSOCIATED WITH THE USE OF THIS PLUGIN. If you are a minor, your parent/guardian must agree to be bound by these terms.
"Minecraft server network" refers to a single Minecraft Bungeecord instance
By purchasing this software, you are purchasing a license to use the software as a plugin on your Minecraft server or Minecraft server network only, and must agree to be bound by these terms. If you do not agree to these terms, you may not download or use this software.
You may NOT:
1. Distribute this software or its source- or binary-code in any way, for profit or not for profit
2. Modify this software or the source- or binary-code of this software in any way
3. Create derivative works of this software
You may only use this software on a single Minecraft server or a single Minecraft server network. Should you wish to use this software on multiple Minecraft server networks or multiple Minecraft servers, you must obtain express permission from the developer of this software.
There are inherent security risks associated with the use of the software. By downloading, installing or otherwise using the software, for any purpose, you are agreeing that you completely understand and accept all of the security risks associated with the use of this software. If you do use the software, with or without understanding all of the security risks associated with the use of the software, you agree to hold the the software and its owners, officers, affiliates, creators, agents, licensors, and business partners harmless from and against any and all costs, damages, liabilities, and expenses (including attorneys fees and costs of defense) the software or any other indemnified party suffers in relation to, arising from, or for the purpose of avoiding, any claim or demand from a third-party that your use of the software or the use of the software by any person using your account, authorized or unauthorized, or any other unauthorized user (including, but not limited to, the editing of the files on your server's storage device) violates any applicable law or regulation, or the copyrights, trademark rights or other rights of any third-party.
This software is provided on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions of TITLE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are solely responsible for determining the appropriateness of using this software and assume any risks associated with your exercise of permissions under this License.
You must be at least eighteen years of age (or be at least the legal age of majority in the location you reside) or have your parent's or guardian's permission before purchasing or using this software. If you are a minor, your parent or guardian must agree to be bound by these terms.
If you (or your parent/guardian) do not agree with the Terms of Service and License, you may not download or use the plugin.
exclusively by the Terms of Service and not by the above agreement. Should any portion of the above agreement be found to be in conflict
with Polymart's Terms of Service, the above agreement is voided, and Polymart's Terms of Service apply exclusively.