This config is solution of many tests with many players.

Config features:

  • Reduced false flags
  • Optimized
  • Detection speed improved
  • A clear appearance of alerts has been added
  • Better description of checks
  • More compact and advanced appearance of alerts, verbose, kick/ban message, and other messages
  • Auto ban [1 day bans]
  • Auto kick [in badpackets situation, and in most experimental checks]
  • Alerts on join

What does config require?

  • Any punishment plugin such as Litebans
  • Other things/plugins that vulcan requires to work
  • Vulcan AntiCheat

How to use?

  • Download zip file
  • Download Vulcan AntiCheat plugin
  • Put Vulcan in "Plugins" folder in your server (Requires protocollib)
  • Put folder from zip file named "vulcan" in "Plugins" folder
  • Restart the server

Tested versions:

My recommendations for anticheats for servers:

Practice servers, pvp, mainly 1.8 servers: Vulcan & Grim

Bedwars servers (all versions): Vulcan & Matrix (Matrix block check is hard to bypass on free clients)

Higher versions: Vulcan & Matrix


 By downloading this you will recive full config.yml file for Vulcan AntiCheat

If you have a special server such as bedwars, skywars, pvp, you may need small changes, you will receive help on discord

*Autoclicker checks are not made! They are useless and falses to much, if you need them make a ticket on discord server.

*Jdays are left as default, its totally useless thing and almost nobody uses them

Why our config? And how it differs from the default one?

I specialize in configuring anticheat and have been doing it for 3 years, I have worked for many servers and I still do. So why our config? How does it differ from the default one? Making this config took me many hours and days, two of my friends helped me test and check if it works properly. At the beginning, our config is as optimized as possible for each server and version, we also reduced the false flags we know by changing the detection speed and ban vl, for other checks we improved the detection speed and adjusted the appropriate ban vl for each check separately, we also adjusted other options that the configuration includes, such as ghost block/water fix, this config is fully made to work on any type of server, but may sometimes need adjustments, e.g. if you want to use vulcan and matrix together, adjustments are needed to make them work together correctly, you get help with customization at no extra cost, but you must have both resources. Secondly, I used vulcan on many servers I worked on, and also on my old server, I had a long experience with it. Before purchasing, read the FAQ or if you want to ask something, ask on the discord server. What makes my config original? It was made and tested for a long time, it was made only by me and was not copied from other people. It has the best optimization I was able to make.

(need a test server? dm me on discord!)









Help and other

I'm giving lifetime support for the config, for example if you want me to adjust something for your server i will do it without any additional cost. You can recive support on discord server. Any questions also can be asked on discord. Do you have any suggestions? Write to me on discord!



Q: Do I receive support after purchase?
A: Yes, you get lifetime support

Q: If I want to combine two anticheats, will I get help in combining them and setting them to work together?

A: Yes, you will receive help on discord in this case, at no additional cost

Q: Can you fix false flags? 

A: No, I am not able to fix false flags, they need to be reported to the vulcan developer, but I can optimize these checks

Q: I bought this resource, I have a bedwars/skywars/other server, can I get help setting it up specifically for this mode/server?

A: Yes, after verifying yourself as a customer on discord server, you receive special help

Q: I need some changes like ban vl or ban reason/time or other things, Will I get help?

A: Yes, I can reconfigure everything to suit your needs

Q: Why is it premium resource not free?
A: Because i spent many days and hours to make it the best it can be and I'm giving lifetime support.

Terms of service:

  • You can only use it on servers that you own
  • You can't resell it or give it to someone else
  • No refunds, you get lifetime support if you have issue you can tell me on discord, you should only buy if you are 100% sure that you want to buy this resource



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