

The idea is pretty straightforward: game leaders (or certain players with special access) create virtual shops in different areas of the game. When players bring items to these shops, the items vanish from the game world and show up in the player's online account instead. There's a simple way for players to check their items on the internet using a special sign in the game or a command, making it easy to add or take items with just a click. After players set up a password, they can visit a special website to see all the items being bought and sold, learn about the game's world, and even trade items themselves.


With the money they earn, players can purchase items, which are then delivered to an in-game mailbox (indicated by a sign). Additionally, they have the option to set their own selling prices for the items they've stored online



  1. Run the server will be create on webportal folder
  2. Change localhost to your ip address on /html/js/translate.js
  3. Use it ! ( or continue if you plan to use mysql )
  4. If you want use mysql need to stop the server and change to Mysql on db type and insert your config
  5. Re-start

After that just go localhost:25900 or, where is your IP and you will see the login page of webportal ( 25900 or the port you setup on config )

* if you want use SSL ( https ) - enable it on config.yml


These files can be translated into your language

  • html/js/translate.js
  • eng.yml

Host WebPortal Everywere


You can host all html on any webserver with support to html and javascript first go on config.yml inside plugin folder of yout minecraft server and set :

  1. EnableExternalSource to TRUE
  2. Allow your site on config - Allow :
  3. Reload or Restart to apply this settings

Second setup the website part

  1. Get all files on html folder

  2. Change js/translate.js - http://localhost:25900 to http://IP_OF_YOUR_SERVER : PORT

  3. put all files with the changes on your host ( ex: ttp:// )

you can get all html files on plugin folder !


thats all.. now you have webportal working your website



  • Java 1.7+
  • Vault Plugin ( +1.7 )


if you want your plugin to show here ! Let me know

  • McMMo +2.1.231 ( optional if want use mcmmo )
  • Essentails +2.20.1
  • LoginSecutiry +3.3.0



Mailbox for items

Use for: deposit items and withdraw items that are in your mail


Line 1: [WebAuction]

Line 2: Mailbox

Line 3: Withdraw (not actually needed)


Line 1: [WebAuction]

Line 2: Mailbox

Line 3: Deposit


Virtual Box

Use for: Create Virtual Inventory of Web Portal Items for you put or get items


Line 1: [WebAuction]

Line 2: VBox



Use for : Sell your auction in game, follow this step:


1 - ) Make the auction on web site first

2 - ) Put the sign


if work right the sign will turn GREEN


  • Left click on sign show you what will trying to buy
  • Right click on sign will buy it
  • Game mode Creative not work with this sign


Line 1:[wSell]

Line 2:{ID} ( You will found the ID on your items section of WebPortal )

Line 3:{Amount} ( optional ... if you don't put nothing here the amount will be 1... )


ob: the line 3 is the number of items will sell for each time a player click ( max is the amount you put for sell on web auction )

ob: if you r using Essentials... give the essentials.sign.* permission ( IMPORTANT )




Starting from version 1.07 and in future versions, you will be able to manage your server and send commands directly from the website (this feature can be disabled). With this, you will have greater control, and your players will be able to use predefined commands from the website.


Available commands for now




  • Essentials ( whois, mail )








For Normal User :


  • wa.use.*
    • wa.use.withdraw.items ( use mail box sign )
    • wa.use.deposit.items ( use deposit sign )
    • wa.canbuy (can buy from auction )
    • wa.cansell (can sell to the auction )
    • wa.vbox ( can use virtual inventory Sign )
    • wa.command.vbox ( use command /wa mailbox )

For Admin :


  • wa.*
    • wa.create.sign.mailbox.withdraw (create mailbox sign)
    • wa.create.sign.mailbox.deposit (create mailbox sign)
    • wa.create.sign.vbox ( create vbox sign )
    • wa.webadmin (user account is admin on the website)
    • wa.remove (remove WA signs)
    • wa.reload ( reload plugin )
    • ( save config plugin )
    • wa.view
    • wa.set
    • ( and all user permission )
  • wa.update ( see updates )

Some users of bpermission report problems, if you r one of then setup "per world permission" will work




/wa password <yourpasshere> - setup password for website if you use WebPortal AuthSystem

/wa mailbox - open virtual inventory

/wa reload

/wa save

/wa view <player>

/wa set <player> <option(buy,sell,admin)> <yes/no>

/wa help




  • Add timer to hold item on web inventory
  • Add extra info on Item for Sell
  • Sell to the server ( Allow players to sell to the server in order to gain money )
  • In Game command for Auction and Buy !
  • Add Sell Re-Stock
  • Add minimum and maximum price for each items
  • Add more translation to each item


Afraid of Lag because of WebPortal


All activities of webportal plugin using the inside webserver is on separate thread and webportal inside webserver do not access bukkit main thread direct, webportal activities depends on your server performance, but you may use External Web Server anyway !