lightweight and highly customizable music bot built in Java\Kotlin
So what can it do?
- Play songs from:
Twitch streams
Local files
HTTP URLs - Does not save chat messages
- Supports multiple guilds
- Supports many languages
- You can customize each message
- Can work 24\7
- Can work on a paper minecraft server as a plugin (folia is supported)
- Can work on Pterodactyl
- And of course it can work on your Windows, macOS, Linux computer.
- Dont have limits
- Bot use latest discord features
- All in one jar file, you dont need use lavalink
What commands does the bot have?
- /current - Send info about current track
- /list - Send list of tracks in queue
- /pause - Pause track
- /play - Start playing or add to queue tracks
- /skip - Skip current track
- /stop - Stop bot playing and leave from voice channel
- /volume - Edit player volume
Use Pterodactyl?
Where I'm can find license key?