![[img] tag](https://images.polymart.org/proxy/?v=1724&url=https%3A%2F%2Fimg.groupez.dev%2Fzvoteparty%2Fbanner.png)
Serveur Minecraft Vote is a site that lists the best minecraft servers and rank them according to their number of points, do not wait and add your server!
1. Drop zAuctionHouse.jar into your plugins.yml
2. Install zMenu (Why should I use zMenu ? response here)
3. Its done !
Don’t want to use zMenu? You can use the old configuration by downloading it here..
1. Drop zAuctionHouse.jar into your plugins.yml
2. Install zMenu (Why should I use zMenu ? response here)
3. Its done !
Don’t want to use zMenu? You can use the old configuration by downloading it here..
✅ Compatible with Spigot 1.8.8 to 1.20.4 and java 8 to 17
✅ Simple and customizable inventory configuration (thanks to zMenu)
✅ All messages are configurable
✅ HEX and minimessage support
✅ Configurable categories
✅ Multiple storage types: JSON and SQL
✅ Synchronize multiple servers thanks to redis*
✅ System to convert data from other plugins
✅ Economy Support : Vault, PlayerPoint, TokenManager ; MySQL Token,
Level, Item, Custom, CoinsEngine
✅ Easily add more economies with the API
✅ AntiDupe system 100% efficient, if items come out of inventories they will be automatically deleted !
✅ Support for customModelData and plugins like ItemAdder and Oraxen.
✅ Permission to limit the number of items your players can add in the auction.
✅ Permission to change the auction duration.
✅ Automatic backup for storage in JSON
✅ Log system, you can know exactly what your players are doing.
✅ Complex items blacklist.
✅ Java API, with the API you can modify everything in the plugin
✅ System to get your money back only when the player is logged in.
✅ Sorting system
✅ Transaction History
✅ Support for HeadDatabase and EpicHead
✅ Inventory selling system, sell several items directly without using ShulkerBox.
✅ Support de Citizen
✅ Player blacklist (Allows to banish a player from the plugin, he won't be able to buy or sell anymore)
✅ Support de palceholderAPI
✅ Ingame configuration
✅ Search system, search for items with filters.
✅ Barrel and Shulker content viewer
✅ Tax (global or for specifics items)
✅ Min and Max price per items
✅ Discord bot: download here
✅ zTranslator - Translate items name to your language !
✅ Folia Support
![[img] tag](https://images.polymart.org/proxy/?v=1724&url=https%3A%2F%2Fimg.groupez.dev%2Fzauctionhouse%2Fv3%2Fcommands.png)
![[img] tag](https://images.polymart.org/proxy/?v=1724&url=https%3A%2F%2Fimg.groupez.dev%2Fzauctionhouse%2Fv3%2Fopinions.png)
![[img] tag](https://images.polymart.org/proxy/?v=1724&url=https%3A%2F%2Fimg.groupez.dev%2Fzauctionhouse%2Fv3%2Fbas.png)
![[img] tag](https://images.polymart.org/proxy/?v=1724&url=https%3A%2F%2Fdiscordapp.com%2Fapi%2Fguilds%2F511516467615760405%2Fwidget.png%3Fstyle%3Dbanner4)