attachment.png"While trying to build a fire pit in Minecraft,
I couldn't find any flint and steel,
so I decided to use my trusty Zippo lighter.
The irony? I ended up burning down
my entire village and starting over from scratch. Lol"


The package includes 10 Zippo lighters (YouTube).

All of them can be crafted. Diamondists can be happy as there is a diamante lighter. All in all, it's up to you to judge.

Suitable as a survival and realistic servers, or special modes. Well, in general, who does not want the legendary Zippo?



Regular•Sweet•Iron•Gold•Bronze•Ruby•Lapis Lazuli•Diamond•Emerald•Netherite



Despite the complexity of the crafting, there is still room for fans of simplified or personal solutions.


There are three unique Zippo sounds for the lighter (opening, closing, ignition). Also, the lighter opens, closes, and can be in the burning state. When in the burning state, there is a fire animation.


At this point in this version, the permanent lighting from the lit lighter is still in operation.


The lighter opens with the Left Shift + Left mouse button.

Closes with Left mouse button. Right mouse button to set fire.


The lighters have different, but in general means the same level of durability. 


1. Download the zip file

2. Open the zip file

3. Extract the "zippolite" folder of the version that you selected

4. Upload this folder to plugins/ItemsAdder/contents

5. Run /iareload and /iazip to update your Resource Pack



I guarantee support and additions at least once every six months.

I have not yet found the usual way to simplify the on and off of the lighter because with 1.18 has been removed the possibility of the middle mouse button.

You can also set fire when the lighter is closed. Some shots like burning castor or creeper - simply do not have time (related to the constraints of Minecraft).

I'm thinking of making a special table to support the life of the lighter including additional tools to maintain it (mechanics, etc.).Â