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Justinbery Apr 19, 2022
They have given up on this plugin. trash like their team.Buy plugins for their team. You will definitely regret it!
Maxlego08 Apr 19, 2022
You directly put a bad review when I asked to pass via ticket, you are not able to wait just 10 minutes... You are the kind of customer who are hateful.
Justinbery Apr 19, 2022
You told me about the tax-exempt permission group. It's settled, why bother?
Skizzles Apr 19, 2022
You should read before you continue this discussion. You already decide to personally insult the developer which is in clear violation of our rules.

General Rules
  1. Keep all content respectful and appropriate.

I highly suggest you become familiar with our rules before you discuss, review, or otherwise use Polymart.
Justinbery Apr 19, 2022
I'm very sorry, but this team is as I said. Please move this plugin out of my list, including their auction house plugin. I find it an insult to have their plugin running on my server. Besides, I've already explained the situation. Just need to fix my problem. I will remove these bad comments. Their authentication system. Need to connect to their website. Then in continue the plugin authentication. I find this very unreasonable!
Maxlego08 Apr 19, 2022
Excuse me if I don't want to give support to users who didn't buy the plugin and make a strict verification, after if you don't want to use my plugins no problem, thousands of server do it, so one more or less is not very serious...
WizKhalifaX Jan 25, 2023
I just bought it and it was abandon plugin tsk
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