2.0-BETA_1.3.3 Feb 2, 2021
NEW FEATURES!!! Chatclear and chatlock
There are some new features... again, yay! As of now, these are all the features I wanted to add to the plugin and I'm now really hoping for a community response so I know what you guys would like to add.

[Please copy your existing configuration, generate the most recent one and copy your settings over if you are **updating** this plugin.]

This means that from now on I'll start working on a bungee pack that features:

- Spigot plugin to offer compatibility and share data with the bungee plugin.
- Bungee plugin to handle proxy based tasks like messaging and staffchat.

This will ofcourse take a while since it is my first time as I plan to really push my limits and learn some new things to make this plugin the ultimate chat plugin for any server owner.

Ofcourse, more info and changelogs can be found in the discord server and the github page.

Thank you for your amazing support!
- Luka

2.0-BETA_1.3.1 Jan 29, 2021

2.0-BETA_1.3 Jan 26, 2021
NEW FEATURS! Optimization, cleaner code, editted config.yml
This updates is massive! I added a complete message system with /msg, /r and /socialspy. This brings us a step closer to the final release of version 2.0 of this amazing resource.

Please note that I still haven't figured out a way to properly write changes to your config.yml files so you'll have to generate the latest one and copy over your current settings or you can copy the config.yml from github https://github.com/Lukatjee/zorionchat/blob/master/src/main/resources/config.yml

Guessed it: full changelogs on our discord.

2.0-BETA_1.1 Jan 19, 2021
Hotfixes, optimization and upgrades.
Be sure to regenerate your configuration files and as always, changelogs can be found in the discord server.

2.0-BETA-1.0 Jan 18, 2021