Terms and Conditions

  • You are aware that leaking and distributing any of our products is not allowed and action against you will be taken
  • You are aware that issuing a chargeback/dispute will get you suspended from all our products and possibly reported to BuiltByBit
  • You are aware that we have a strict no-refund policy
  • You are aware that our products may be obfuscated or in-legible
  • You are aware that our products must be hosted privately and shouldn't be hosted on a public hosting (eg. Replit)
  • You are aware that we reserve the right to refuse support to you for any reason
  • You are aware that updates to our products are not guaranteed
  • You are aware that you are the only person who should have access to our products
  • You are aware that you are not allowed to share the product with anyone else
  • You are aware that claiming our products as your work is not allowed
  • You are aware that you may not use any of our codes for your personal work/projects
  • You are aware that we reserve the right to revoke any or all of your licenses to our product(s) at any time without notice