Welcome to Skycade!

Unlike most networks, we aim to maintain a free to play and play to win environment, meaning none of the things we sell on the store give players an advantage over others. All players get access to cool permissions like /echest, fly on factions and more! Ranks and other store items consist of mainly cosmetic perks like pets, suffixes, and trails!

We currently have 7 game modes:

Factions 1.8 - Custom F Top, daily events, and a great economy with custom spawner drops! A classical factions experience, unique to Skycade. Cannoning 1.8 - A tool for factions players to fine tune their cannoning abilities. WorldEdit, enormous plots, and identical factions conditions! KitPvP 1.8 - 50 custom kits, prestige rewards, and tri-monthly seasonal rewards! Battle your way to the top of the leaderboards. Prisons 1.8 - Enjoy Prisons like you never have before, with a full customized mcMMO, custom enchants, and daily events to help you enjoy on your grind for freedom! Skyblock 1.12 - With several island variations to build upon, experience a custom Skyblock atmosphere! Daily events, Minions, and special custom enchants! Creative 1.12 - Unleash your inner creativity and show off your builds to the entire network! Monthly build competitions! SMP 1.13 - Its like single player, but with more people! Explore, build and chill with lots of other players in this non competitive vanilla Minecraft focused gamemode.

Join now at play.skycade.net!