
Profile Picture
It looks like Benzimmer likes to keep a low profile...
Benzimmer's Resources
Destroy The Core (1.7-1.18)
Destroy The Core (1.7-1.18)
Leaderboards, starter items, scheduling and more to allow teams to compete to break the core.
  Be the first!
‍King of the Hill (1.7-1.18)
‍King of the Hill (1.7-1.18)
Koth leaderboards, starter items, schedule and more.
  about 5
HCF Classes (1.7-1.18)
HCF Classes (1.7-1.18)
Preset classes such as bard, rogue, archer, miner and the ability to create custom classes.
  about 5
LegendaryItems (1.7-1.18)
LegendaryItems (1.7-1.18)
Add a legendary and rare item aspect to your server!
FactionShields (1.7-1.18)
FactionShields (1.7-1.18)
Enable a shield to protect team land, team damage and more.
  about 5
Sumo (1.7-1.18)
Sumo (1.7-1.18)
Knock players off the platform. Supports all team plugins.
  about 5
AntiFreeCam (1.7-1.18)
AntiFreeCam (1.7-1.18)
Prevent players in freecam from interacting through walls.
HarvesterPlus (1.7-1.18)
HarvesterPlus (1.7-1.18)
The new and improved way to harvest crops!
PreventCrafting (1.7-1.18)
PreventCrafting (1.7-1.18)
Prevent contraband items from being crafted on your server.
BlockCommands (1.7-1.18)
BlockCommands (1.7-1.18)
Block all the commands you want on your server.