I set up Minecraft servers and translate plugins of any kind. I share my knowledge through my YouTube channel ( If you need help with setting up your project, join my Discord server and let's talk there.
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Crys's Resources
Spartan Anti Cheat Configuration
plugin, anticheat, for, minecraft, server, cheat, prevention, hack, detection
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Setup SkyGens | Premium
It is a setup of the SkyGen mode which you can adapt to your needs.
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CommandPanels - Configuration
Fully Custom GUIs for every server need. Simple setup, Advanced features.
about 5
NullCordX - Configuration
This is probably one of the best configurations available for NullCordX.
about 5
Server configuration - Bridges
Server configured to learn how to establish bridges with different new islands
Crys's Bundles
Setup SkyGens | Premium
Vulcan configuration and SkyGens Setup
2 Resources Save 33%