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You can edit webhooks on your resource by going to your resource page and clicking the "Webhooks" button in the edit section.

Automatic Discord Integration
Polymart automatically integrates with Discord webhooks. However, this doesn't give you nearly as much customization as if you build your own API for receiving webhooks. If you want to learn more about how to build your own API for receiving webhooks, keep reading!

Webhook Overview
ping — Sent whenever you click the "ping" button on your resource's webhooks page

product.update — Sent whenever you post an update to your resource
product.user.purchase — Sent when a user purchases your resource
product.user.purchaseRemoved — Sent when a user issues a chargeback or is refunded
product.user.firstDownload — Sent when a user first downloads your resource

About Webhooks
When a webhook event is called, Polymart will send a request to the URL you provide on your resource page. With each request, the following headers will be sent:

X-Polymart-Webhook-Version: 1

X-Polymart-Signature will be a signature that verifies that the webhook request is in-fact valid. This is a SHA256 HMAC hash, where the data is the data that was POSTed, and the key is your webhook secret. Your webhook secret generated when you create a new webhook. YOU MUST VALIDATE THAT THIS IS CORRECT. If you do not, attackers will easily be able to send random, invalid webhooks to your server

The data that is POSTed to your webhook will be in this format
  "event": <event type>,
  "time": <current unix time>,
  "nonce": <random nonce>,
  "payload": {
    <key 1>: <val 1>,
    <key 2>: <val 2>,
    <...>: <...>
So, the top-level information might look something like this
  "event": "product.update",
  "time": 1726549378,
  "nonce": "Ie9EL4j2NrPHqqLS",
  "payload": <...>
Putting it all together, this is what a full valid request to might look like, given the webhook secret zL6PXpLBH-TElCha
POST /polymartWebhook HTTP/1.1
X-Polymart-Webhook-Version: 1
X-Polymart-Signature: f9eeba72f4503a30c7237e1e94de65c9603d06ce750936c025e9ec0509265d00
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 166

    "event": "testEvent",
    "time": 1726549378,
    "nonce": "rUGTq050FWq3KnoL",
    "payload": {
        "webhook": ""
Use this to test your webhook! This webhook event is called when you click the "send a ping" button on your resource's webhooks page.

  "event": "ping",
  "time": <current unix time>,
  "nonce": <random nonce>,
  "payload": {
    "product": {
      "id": <resource id>,
      "title": <resource title>,
      "subtitle": <resource subtitle>,
      "url": <resource url>
    "webhook": {
      "url": <your webhook url>
  "event": "ping",
  "time": 1726549378,
  "nonce": "UO_Fdq8k5BNMPlg_",
  "payload": {
    "product": {
      "id": "1",
      "title": "CustomItems",
      "subtitle": "Design new Custom items and blocks!",
      "url": ""
    "webhook": {
      "url": ""

If your webhook secret is zL6PXpLBH-TElCha, then the signature of this request will be b1cffb0df02efe805b193428819cbeee78ab58cc6402c96095b9699aefb461ff
product.update Back to top
This webhook event is called when your resource is updated.

  "event": "resource.update",
  "time": <current unix time>,
  "nonce": <random nonce>,
  "payload": {
    "product": {
      "id": <resource id>,
      "title": <resource title>,
      "subtitle": <resource subtitle>,
      "url": <resource url>
    "previous": {
      "version": <old version>,
      "id": <old version ID>,
      "time": <old version update time>,
      "size": <old size>,
      "fileType": <old file type>,
      "branch": <beta|snapshot|release>
    "update": {
      "version": <new version>,
      "id": <new version ID>,
      "time": <update time>,
      "size": <new size>,
      "fileType": <new file type>,
      "branch": <beta|snapshot|release>,
      "title": <update title>,
      "description": <update description>
  "event": "product.update",
  "time": 1726549378,
  "nonce": "8YzXLbv9wAnzrOD_",
  "payload": {
    "product": {
      "id": "1",
      "title": "CustomItems",
      "subtitle": "Design new Custom items and blocks!",
      "url": ""
    "previous": {
      "version": "2.19.5",
      "id": "91",
      "time": 1726545778,
      "size": "716624",
      "fileType": "jar",
      "branch": "snapshot"
    "update": {
      "version": "3.0",
      "id": "107",
      "time": 1726549378,
      "size": "718232",
      "fileType": "jar",
      "branch": "release",
      "title": "Automatic Resource Pack Generation",
      "description": "This version adds an automatic resource pack generator to CustomItems!"

If your webhook secret is zL6PXpLBH-TElCha, then the signature of this request will be 7e007a5fb3ec7cfd2a9ecfb094c5f6edb85720e48be06cc58c71a5eb6fbb1568
product.user.purchase Back to top
This webhook event is called when a user purchases your resource

  "event": "product.user.purchase",
  "time": <current unix time>,
  "nonce": <random nonce>,
  "payload": {
    "product": {
      "id": <resource id>,
      "title": <resource title>,
      "subtitle": <resource subtitle>,
      "url": <resource url>
    "user": {
      "id": <user id>
  "event": "product.user.purchase",
  "time": 1726549378,
  "nonce": "G00g8TcCpHeg2TvO",
  "payload": {
    "product": {
      "id": "1",
      "title": "CustomItems",
      "subtitle": "Design new Custom items and blocks!",
      "url": ""
    "user": {
      "id": 17246

If your webhook secret is zL6PXpLBH-TElCha, then the signature of this request will be 53a8e6641a941bc5b2bf4cfef24973f31789e2b4bbde3e397e91601f141288ad
product.user.purchaseRemoved Back to top
This webhook event is called when you issue a refund to a user, or they issue a chargeback. This event may be called more than once for a given user

  "event": "product.user.purchaseRemoved",
  "time": <current unix time>,
  "nonce": <random nonce>,
  "payload": {
    "product": {
      "id": <resource id>,
      "title": <resource title>,
      "subtitle": <resource subtitle>,
      "url": <resource url>
    "user": {
      "id": <user id>
  "event": "product.user.purchaseRemoved",
  "time": 1726549378,
  "nonce": "zc1NvDGkh25pb-aD",
  "payload": {
    "product": {
      "id": "1",
      "title": "CustomItems",
      "subtitle": "Design new Custom items and blocks!",
      "url": ""
    "user": {
      "id": 174692

If your webhook secret is zL6PXpLBH-TElCha, then the signature of this request will be 57bcf300e22ac12d49825c91ee744a75fccc547bf5eb1b979b0566a05fba1f67
product.user.firstDownload Back to top
This webhook event is called when a user downloads your resource for the first time

  "event": "product.user.firstDownload",
  "time": <current unix time>,
  "nonce": <random nonce>,
  "payload": {
    "product": {
      "id": <resource id>,
      "title": <resource title>,
      "subtitle": <resource subtitle>,
      "url": <resource url>
    "user": {
      "id": <user id>
  "event": "product.user.firstDownload",
  "time": 1726549378,
  "nonce": "4xCMbrou0M_14T8a",
  "payload": {
    "product": {
      "id": "1",
      "title": "CustomItems",
      "subtitle": "Design new Custom items and blocks!",
      "url": ""
    "user": {
      "id": 61921

If your webhook secret is zL6PXpLBH-TElCha, then the signature of this request will be fde305d5ae52d5eb10c3df432285b13d2d2db199bcab00e84ebfe3db83293ed6