Adding VendingMachines!

How to add a Vending Machine:

This tutorial is about creating the config, we wont teach you how to 3d model or create resourcepacks.

1) Under "plugins/VendingMachines/VendingMachines" create a new file and name it however you want.

2) Copy the default config (the following config) and edit it as you want.

# The identifier must be unique, and you must not change it.
# Its used by the placedVms to know what type of confif to use.
Identifier: VendingMachines
# The material can be a spigot material or an ItemsAdder material.
# Note that when the plugin creates the default config checks if you are using IA.
# In this example its using IA. If the material cant be located, the config won't load.
# Normal material example. Material: LEATHER_HORSE_ARMOR
Material: vending_machine_1
# The custom model data that the plugin should use for this vending machine.
# If the material is an IA material this is ignored and lets IA handle that.
CustomModelData: 0
# The UI that the plugin should use if IA is not installed. This is the ui identifier.
CustomUI_Default: Default UI
# The UI that the plugin should use IA is installed. This is the ui identifier.
CustomUI_IA: IA UI 1
# If free rotation is set to false, the VM will always be facing to North, south, east or weast.
# Note that "MaxRandomRotation" is also applied, so if you want it to be perfectly aligned
# set "MaxRandomRotation" to 0
FreeRotation: false
# This is a value that modifies the ammount of random rotation that is applied to a VM
# when is placed. Set it to 0 if you dont want any.
# Random rotation works with free rotation as true and false.
MaxRandomRotation: 4
# If the vm should be tintable, this only works if the material has leather properties,
# and the 3d model was properly created.
Tintable: true
# List of points where items should be displayed, in this case there is none.
# In this example there are 3 possible locations
# If you want to disable it set it to: ItemLocations: []
# There is an already configured vm with 9 locations in the file "Vending Machine 1 (empty).yml"
- ==: Vector
x: -0.15
y: -0.15
z: 0.2
- ==: Vector
x: 0.075
y: -0.15
z: 0.15
- ==: Vector
x: 0.3
y: -0.15
z: 0.2