With this plugins you can sync placeholders from PlaceholdersAPI between servers in a easy way.

The plugin works asynchronous, so there's no lag!

To install the plugin:
1. Download and place the plugin in /plugins/ folder. (Install PlaceholderAPI too and optionally Vault)
2. Start server to generate the config, then stop it.
3. Setup the plugin config
4. Start the server
5. Do this for all servers in the network where you want to use the plugin. (You can copy-paste the configs from one server to another but change the server-name variable accordingly!)

How to use the plugin:
After setting up the config, you can use the placeholders %astralsync_player_<server-name>_<placeholder-name>% for your player placeholders and %astralsync_server_<server-name>_<placeholder-name>% for your server placeholders.

For example, in the bellow config you can use %astralsync_player_survival_displayname% on any server configured with the same database to retrieve that data.
Different servers can have different values.



Commands and permissions:
Only one! /astralsync reload with the permission astralsync.command.reload

In the end, if you want support, you can contact me via email: [email protected] or via discord: nicuch (id: 255288301777321984)