
Introducing the revolutionary plugin that adds a whole new dimension to your Minecraft server experience! With our innovative system, you can now customize the drops from specific blocks, creating a dynamic and immersive environment for your players. Just like on the popular Polish server (GenCash), where the chance of finding shards adds an extra layer of thrill to gameplay, our plugin brings that excitement right to your fingertips.

This plugin offers unparalleled flexibility and control, allowing you to tailor every aspect of the drop system to suit your server's unique needs. Whether you want to enhance the rewards for harvesting wheat or create special loot from diamond blocks, BetterShards empowers you to do it all with ease.

Example Config:

      # List of materials:
      material: DIAMOND # Material of the item that drops from block
      glow: true # If the item should glow
      name: "&bSpecial Item" # Name of the item
        - "&7This is a special item!"   # Lore of the item
        - "&7It has magical properties." # Lore of the item
      drop_chance: 0.1 # Chance from 0 to 1 (0% to 100%)
      # List of materials:
      drop_from: WHEAT # Block to drop from
      renew_on_break: true # If the block should renew after breaking
      grown: true # If the block should be grown (crops, etc.) (only if renew_on_break is true)
      renew_after: 20 # Block renew time in ticks (20 ticks = 1 second) (only if renew_on_break is true)
      # Color codes:
      title: "&b&lSpecial Item" # Title of the message after dropping
      subtitle: "&7You found a special item!" # Subtitle of the message after dropping
      amount: 64 # Amount of items to exchange to get the item
      command: "give %player% diamond 1" # Command to execute after exchanging the items
      material: EMERALD
      glow: false
      name: "&bNonSpecial Item"
        - "&7This is a nonspecial item!"
        - "&7It has magical properties."
      drop_chance: 0.5
      drop_from: DIAMOND_BLOCK
      renew_on_break: false
      renew_after: 0 # in ticks
      grown: false
      title: "&b&lNonSpecial Item"
      subtitle: "&7You found a nonspecial item!"
      amount: 64
      command: "give %player% emerald 1"

    tooManyArguments: "&cToo many arguments!" # Message when too many arguments are provided
    itemNotFound: "&cItem not found!"      # Message when item is not found in players inventory
    itemExchanged: "&aYou have exchanged items!" # Message when item is exchanged

But that's not all – we've also included a comprehensive exchange feature that lets players trade in items for coveted rewards. With just a simple command, they can exchange a set amount of items for something truly valuable, adding a new layer of strategy and progression to your server.


  • /exchange - Exchange items for command
  • /bsreload - Reload config
  • /giveshard id player - Give shard to someone (replace id with ID from config, replace player with user nickname)

To ensure smooth operation and easy management, we've integrated intuitive commands like /exchange for item exchanges, /bsreload for config reloading, and /giveshard for giving shards to players. Plus, our dedicated support team, led by the renowned profkrzys1 on Discord, is always available to assist you every step of the way.

And installation couldn't be simpler – just drop the plugin into your server's "plugins" folder, and you're ready to go! Whether you're running a small private server or a bustling multiplayer community, BetterShards will take your Minecraft experience to new heights.

With its unparalleled customization options, engaging gameplay features, and seamless integration, BetterShards is a must-have for any Minecraft server owner looking to elevate their players' experience. So why wait? Transform your server today and unlock a world of possibilities with BetterShards.