Page: 1 2 3 4 5 ... 10 Jan 10, 2024
  • Added option to exclude environmental damage triggering mob combat mode.
  • Added option to allow Rcon type commands. These will be disabled by default
  • Fix for an issue relating to skin being set and player fly state being reset. This will address some other potential issues relating to skin set.
  • Some internal code cleanup and refactoring, API should not be impacted
  • Fix for issue with CText not allowing to click on messages, you will need to get latest CMILib for it Jan 8, 2024
  • Security improvements. Please update CMILib to the latest version.
  • Fix for rare issue with sound command playing sound for all players if you had world with online players name Jan 5, 2024
  • No more option to disable enchants (/cmi disabledenchants) as of 1.20.4 server version due to change in minecraft code :( Will keep an eye on thi feature for possible solutions, but for time being its no longer working. 
  • Updated itemframe command invisible item frame visualization to use new more efficient display method with more accurate visualizations
  • New permission node as cmi.command.itemframe.[invisible/fixed/invulnerable/all] to have more control over itemframe command
  • Fix for specialized commands delay! not accepting posible numeric placeholders
  • From now on we will block cheque usage if player is in creative mode. Can be toggled in config file.
  • From now on cheque data will be encoded for extra protection. We can still accept old format items (disabled by default), you can toggle this in config file if you want it. Keep in mind that having it disabled will make existing cheque items unusable, but you can always ask players to give those items to admins to convert to new type. If it is turned off then player who tries to use outdated item will receive message informing about it.
  • Fix for issue with afk mode and auto kick not triggering in some situations while you are fishing
  • Improved armoreffect chat editor. Now you can properly set effect level by simply adding :3 for level 3 effect. Example speed:3 Jan 1, 2024
  • Fix where damage numbers could be shown when you deal 0 damage
  • Updated hologram handling when it comes to interactions with those. As of 1.20 version we will be using new special interactable entity instead of invisible slime mob which solves few issues, like slime being visible while you are in spectator mode and slime having pushback force.
  • Fix for issue relating to hologram interactions not being properly updated in time and hovering over lines might not have been recognized in time if you had max update rate set for this hologram
  • Fix for issue relating to Bungee cord messages
  • Fix for issue where player data would not have been saved in latest Paper 1.20.4 builds after player teleports and tries to log out shortly after it
  • Fix for elytra boost not consuming items if those are renamed Dec 13, 2023
  • Fix for few typos in config/locale files
  • Fix for issue with toast messages on 1.20.1 servers. Update CMILib for this one.
  • Added death message when you die from starvation
  • Small improvement for custom death messages to include posible mob/player you have been fighting before dying from custom death cause like starvation or fall damage
  • Improved increment handling for usermeta command to handle number additions and subtractions more properly when it comes to whole numbers
  • Permission node cmi.command.sethome.bypasslimit is now specifically required to be set for the player to have effect, so OP players will no longer bypass those limitations by default
  • Small update to address potential issue with elytra usage in blacklisted worlds
  • Fix for glow color not being reapplied when you relog and you have custom nameplate
  • Improvement when it comes to item recognition on modded servers
  • Fix for issue relating to unrecognizable custom recipes which could have prevented from plugin starting up entirely Dec 11, 2023
  • Hard exclusion for option to reply to console when console sends pm message to the player. So from now on we will not record console as possible reply option with or without !1 at the start of message
  • Added option to define kits GUI page titles based on actual page, similar thing to what we have for warps GUI
  • Added support for {nicknameprefix} in chat format and not only for display name section
  • Fix for toast messages not working on older server versions, this will need CMILib update
  • Fix for skin not being applied on player login event Dec 8, 2023
  • Fix for armoreffect with night vision creating blinking effect when its near end. Now it should properly have increased time for night vision to avoid this visual issue. Known issue: Night vision effect could still start blinking after you relog, but this should stabilize after first effect update cycle.
  • Fix for issue relating to event commands and respawn event in older servers creating error message
  • Added option to use color formats in chat color picker. &2&l&n or {#00e625}&l can be used now and will be appropriately shown in GUI chat color picker
  • Removed code relating to players name history, as this is no longer accessible from Mojang servers. Dec 7, 2023
  • Updated to support 1.20.3 servers. Don't forget to update CMILib
  • Fix for event command on player respawn being triggered when you enter end portal after defeating dragon. This needs to only trigger when player actually dies
  • Fix for issue with holograms new display method failing on 1.20.1 servers
  • Fix for rare error message relating to holograms and its line of sight check
  • Fix relating to economy balance visualization failing to properly format players balance
  • Fix for issue relating to saved armor stands with custom items not being processed properly while loading them back in
  • Fix for error message when you try to get entities head by providing incorrect name
  • Change for head itemstack names, now we will be using translation lines from CMILib locale file for player and mobs heads, those will have separate ones and will be more customizable
  • Now placing mob/player head and breaking it should return item with correct head name
  • Added extra protection for /cmi world command to avoid teleporting player outside worlds min/max Y bounds when teleporting from nether to avoid potential issues
  • Added protection for /cmi world command to limit your teleporting between target world borders Dec 4, 2023
  • Fix for msg (some others too) command not accepting partial player names
  • Fix for tpo not working while teleported player is on spectator mode
  • Added option to block dropped item teleportation with end portals and end gateways. This is enabled by default due to possible exploitable behavior of it. This will not affect player teleportation with both of those portals
  • Fix for holograms appearing in wrong world when you change worlds to same relative coordinates
  • Fix for attachcommand "forgetting" about limited use record and not including it when you check all limited use commands
  • Adjustment for anti afk check relating to AntiAfkMachines option which should take you out of afk mode faster when you start moving after being in afk mode without moving your camera
  • Added option to prevent fishing hook usage on afk players Nov 29, 2023
  • Added option to define prefix for all custom death messages
  • Fix for paper spigot server 1.20+ builds being wonky while CMI tries to load in player data while player is offline which was placing player into primary world Nov 23, 2023
  • Fix for rankup confirmation message still using rank config name and not display name
  • Added optional rank requirement as placeholder value. This can either be text type placeholder or value. 
      - '%cmi_user_level%>=10;Get to level 10'
      - '%cmi_user_homeamount%>=3;Get 3 homes'
      - '%cmi_user_weather%==rainy;We like rain'

    This will require you to provide placeholder we should look up, value it needs to be equal or higher than, and finally a custom short message we will be showing as rankup requirement. With text based placeholders use == while with numbers you can either use == or >= which will indicate that you either want placeholder to be exactly at this number in first case and alternatively it can be equal or higher than provided number
  • Improved speed for lastonline command and cleared out some of the empty lines from last pages
  • Added additional fail safe when it comes to players in custom worlds which could have been "teleported" to main world if players data got accessed before players world was loaded in.
  • Fix for issue with some plugins compatibility not being fully enabled
  • Fix for head command misbehaving in 1.20 servers. You will need latest CMILib for this
  • Sorted mob heads in mobhead GUI for convenience sake Nov 22, 2023
  • Quick fix for issue with holograms not appearing if you are further away from world center Nov 21, 2023
  • New permission node as cmi.command.itemlore.modification which will allow you to modify existing item lore lines. This is given to everyone by default, so you will need to negate it for it to have an effect. This will prevent player from removing existing lore lines, while still being able to add new ones. 
  • Fix for issue with new hologram method creating error message on newest Purpur server version
  • Fix for some commands not working on paper branch type servers. This is for commands like /loom /anvil and similar. Update CMILib for this to work properly.
  • Fix for error message when you have incorrect regex for InteractiveCommands signs recognition
  • Fix for error relating to bungeecord player list retrieval
  • Increased respawn location setting priority from Normal to High which should resolve some of the issues with multiverse plugin which would try to override respawn location if it loaded in after CMI did
  • Fix for rankup list still showing ranks command name instead of its display name Nov 14, 2023 Serializations
  • Fix for give command using new method not accepting separate amount number which can be convenient thing to have
  • Fix for issue when it comes to player determinations based on partial player names, now we will exclude any matches under 50%
  • Fix for glow command failing to change glow color for users whose name starts with valid hex color code
  • Fix for armor stand template loading in with latest updates
  • Fix relating to error message while teleporting to your home location
  • Fix for tpa and tpahere not accepting properly range override permissions
  • Fix for rare instance when you have sqlite database and you force reload CMI plugin without reloading server (avoid doing it) it could have resulted in duplicate user record if he was online at that time
  • Fix for rare issue relating to command warmup and title messages Nov 10, 2023 Itemization
Please update CMILib before using this version
  • Added feedback message for compass command which is sent to the player which location was used to inform about someone targeting him. This can be hidden by using -s variable or simply changing locale like to empty one
  • Fix for rare issue relating to tps calculations
  • Fix for rare error when processing gradient messages
  • Fix for issue with speed command when you have someone online whose name starts with number

Reworked give command to accept one liners. What this means is that give command now will use different format when defining items. While old format should still work, its strongly recommended to move towards new system.
As "one-liner" implies, now items are defined in one long string without any spaces. This is to have same format across multiple places which will be expanded on its usage down the road.
As and example 

This will create diamond sword with defined name, lore, 2 enchants and extra flag to hide those enchants in one single short line. No more messy usage of n a l e variables, now it supports quite few new things. For example:
  1. Now you can define custom item model data with cm{1235}
  2. Now you can define items flags like hide_enchantshide_unbreakable and so on
  3. Now you can get colorized leather armor with easy variables like leatherboots;662266 or leatherboots;red or leatherboots;125,23,123
  4. Now you can get specific painting
  5. Now you can get specific goat horn
  6. Now you can get armor with specific armor trims
  7. Now you can get decorated pots with specific decorations

This same expression of item can be used while using specialized commands variables hasitem:[data]! and item:[data]! which will allow you to define specific item you want to check for and remove as of latest version we are strictly checking by items material and its meta data values, so some items would not have been recognized anymore due to more strict criteria than before. More variables for specialized commands will come later to give you option to have more loose checks, tho you should always use more specific criteria to avoid valuable item removal. So now with new item expresion you can check for item with specific custom model data, specific name and specific lore which will allow to have more valuable items.

You can read more about its new usage at 

Known "issue" is lack of specific firework creation, this will come later on, as this version took longer than expected. Nov 6, 2023
  • Fix for issue when having sell gui open, full inventory and items dropped on ground, which could have resulted in item loss if you canceled item selling
  • Fix for an issue with players having placeable brushable blocks in their inventory with custom loot tables and someone opening their inventory with /cmi inv command which would have made dropped items marked with special GUI protection marker and those items would have been removed in some instances from your inventory
  • Fix for you being able to use color formats while defining hologram background color which would have caused errors in console to appear 
  • Fix for error relating to bossbar hide while player is already offline
  • Fix for hologram background color not being saved properly if you used some of the vanilla color codes like &4. Recommendation is to use hex color codes or by custom name for more flexibility
  • Fix for gradient colors not working properly when using unicode or emoji characters Nov 3, 2023
Update CMILib
  • Fix for inconsistency for specialized commands item:[data]! and hasitem:[data]! variables. Keep in mind that these variables check by items material and NBT data, so renamed items or items with enchants will not match basic items
  • Fix for specialized commands cooldown:[amount]! variable not accepting fractional cooldowns, so now you can have cooldown:0.5! for half a second cooldown
  • Fix and as a feature, you can heal by negative amounts now too, /cmi heal Zrips -10 would damage player by 10 points, keep in mind that this will not kill player even if resulted damage would be over players current health
  • Added option to define time you want to show message when using !title! variable in locale files. Format is as !title:[time]!, for example !title:4.5! which will show title message for 4.5 seconds. This will need latest CMILib to work
  • Fix for issue with /cmi sc command when you step on pressure plate
  • Added auto pagination to holograms line editor which now will show 10 lines per page instead of showing all of them in one go. You will need to update CMILib for this
  • Hologram editor lines are now limited (only visually in editor) to a specific length so that lines fit in more consistently without overwhelming entire chat window
  • Added option to define ClickCommands for few chat messages, this will work in a similar way as ClickSuggestions did before, tho when you have command set then it will be performed on a click instead of showing suggestion while you can still get suggestion by shift+left clicking on it Oct 31, 2023
  • Fix for small bug when performing cmi heal all from console
  • Fix for error relating to player combat and splash potions and player NPC's
  • Fix for setmotd not taking full effect when using -s variable
  • Improved handling when it comes to combat modes for pve and pvp which should produce better results when there are other plugins modifying damage being dealt
  • Small fix where player would be put into afk mode while he is fishing and DisableOnFishing set to true
  • Fix for tppos feedback message always showing up in action bar
  • Fix for inv command while hovering over potion item including confusing text saying "No Effects"
  • Fix for warnings setup not reloading properly with /cmi reload command
  • Fix for issue relating to player warnings
  • Updated CMIV plugin, you can download latest version at Oct 28, 2023
Quick fix
  • Fix for issue with all players being teleported while using basic /server command
  • Fix for portal location setting on different servers
  • Added option to shift click on bungee message relating to portal location setting to get command suggestion due to possibility of it not being carried over when you change servers Oct 27, 2023
  • Fix for riptide protection blocking its usage in water
  • Fix for error relating to death messages
  • Fix for skin command on Velocity networks not working while it can
  • Fix for inconsistent player list update with /cmi serverlist or failure to detect online player on different server in some situations
  • Now /cmi version should include servers build version number if its paper or its fork servers
  • Made a small plugin for Velocity networks, you can get free version at this isn't requirement for CMI features to work over Velocity network, but it's highly recommended to have for all features supporting it to work at full capacity. Oct 24, 2023
Fixes and additions
  • Fix for error message relating to spawner charges and latest CMI builds
  • Fix for condense and uncondense failing to update with new state when reloading config file
  • Fix for vanish edit getting a reset on each unvanish
  • Change for RequireBackwards option for condense command which now default to true and got hard reset as it should be at true for better default experience due to possible unpredicted results when we are not checking for backwards recipes.
  • Added option to not condense recipes which are based on 4 same ingredients and only allow ones based on 9. This allows to avoid having backwards check while not having oak planks being converted into workbenches and similar
  • Fix for spawner charge command not detecting your charge group
  • Fix for issue with duplicated holograms appearing in some rare instances
  • Added option to disable durability loss message in options GUI Oct 23, 2023
Don't forget to update CMILib
  • Small optimization for memory usage
  • Update for particle show method which now uses one from CMILib. You will need to update CMI and CMILib if you are running latest builds of 1.20.2 server version
  • Fix for interactable commands not accepting specialized commands interaction variables
  • Fix for issue with random teleportations rare error on paper type server builds
  • Fix for issue with gamerule GUI missing back button due to game rule taking up its place
  • Added option to redirect death messages to action bar. Check deathmessages config file. keep in mind that action ba messages will loose option to have hover over text Oct 20, 2023
  • Optimized general memory usage which should help out when you have tens of thousands user records on your server
  • Fix for a bug relating to player combat and player head drops chance not being calculated correctly after repeating killings
  • Added permission prefix and suffix information to /cmi info command when hovering over players name. This might not show up for you if you have existing setup, you will either need to reset newNameHover section for info command in locale file or add [title] variable to it manually
  • Kit.yml file got moved, once again, to its own folder. Why you ask? Because now you can separate kits or groups of kits into files and just drop those inside folder and reload plugin (you still need unique kit names). All new kits will be placed into kits.yml file by default as it was before, you can always change its location my moving it manually or using ingame GUI editor. Side note, if you relocate kit to different file with ingame editor then old file will be removed, due to some internal limitations we will be removing (moving to backup folder) all files which are not present in existing kit records while saving those, so just be sure to copy over files while not having pending saving due to ingame editor which would force kits save procedure and new kit files will be automatically moved to backup folder. 
  • Moved Particles and TeleportEffects out of main config file into its own which is located inside settings under ParticleEffects.yml file name
  • Moved RandomTeleportation out of main config file into its own which is located inside settings under RandomTeleportations.yml file name
  • Moved entire deathmessages folder from settings to locale folder to be more consistent where translatable files are located at
  • Fix for tridents with riptide enchantment still working for brief period of time when switching players weather from rain to sunny
  • Fix for you being able to determine if player is in vanish and online with specific commands
  • Fix for spawnmob hp variable not setting properly mobs defined health
  • Spawner entity picker window now properly uses translatable entity type names
  • Fix for saveditems not processing command if you provided 6 variables
  • Fix where player would not enter combat mode if final damage was equal to 0 due to all players resistances. We should still put player into combat mode even if he can't really do any damage.
  • Fix for limited use time kits still checking for required money or exp before informing about it not being available Oct 13, 2023
Those monsters!
Reworked spawnmob command, so while its code changed dramatically, old formats should still work, in most cases.
  • Added better support for colored leather armor for spawnmob command. Now you can use
    /spawnmob zombie:boots-leatherboots/125/205/25
    /spawnmob zombie:boots-leatherboots/pink
    /spawnmob zombie:boots-leatherboots/#66ff22
    combinations to colorize leather armor. First one defined in RGB from 0 to 255, second by custom color name and third option is to use HEX color codes. 
  • Added new custom event as CMIPlayerOpenArmorStandEditorEvent which gets fired before opening armor stand editor which can be canceled in case you don't want for player to edit specific armor stands
  • Added support for saddle variable for spawnmob command to spawn in entity with equiped saddle if possible /spawnmob pig:saddle
  • Added support for llama with chest for spawnmob command
  • Added support for player heads when spawning mobs. Usage: /spawnmob zombie:helmet-head/Notch
  • Added support for all boat types for spawnmob command. Usage: /spawnmob boat:bamboo
  • Added support for secondary passenger for boats for spawnmob command. Usage: /spawnmob boat ps:sheep ps2:cow
  • Added new variable for spawnmob as notpersistent which will spawn mob which will be removed at server restart or chunk unload
  • Added new variable for spawnmob as nopickup which will define entity to not being able to pick up items
  • Added support for expiration timer for spawned in mobs. This is limited to max 20 minutes and defined in seconds. Usage /spawnmob zombie:ex-120
  • Added support for panda main and hidden genes, before it was taking one defined gene and setting for both values, now you can define different ones by using. Example panda:lazy-worried
  • Now providing target for the mobspawn command will face spawned monsters towards target
  • hp variable got moved inside mobs definition section
  • target variable got moved inside mobs definition section
  • Updated default locale line for spawnmob command, which only includes only basic example and clickable link to web page with allot better explanation what you can use and how to use it. This will not have effect on existing locale files, only for fresh installs. If you want to get updated one then you will need to remove explanation lines from spawnmob section in your locale file 
More information relating to this entire command can be found here Oct 10, 2023
  • Small change for ctext feedback message when we can't determine one by provided name, now it should include ctext name to be more clear why it failed
  • Fix for issue with dyed leather armor with dynamic color set to health type on some modded servers
  • Added new placeholder as %cmi_user_holo_page_[hologramName]% which will return current page number of specified hologram
  • Fix for worth placeholders returning inconsistent results for items without value
  • Increased portal max range for particles from 64 to 128 block range. Go wild, just don't over do it. 
  • Small fix when it comes to showing portal particles based on permission access which could have produced inconsistent results
  • Small fix for hologram gui showing option to enable new display method in unsupported servers

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