Delevoper API
- How to send my player skin with a custom message? Simple just copy and paste this:
public DeluxeAnnounce api = new DeluxeAnnounce();
api.sendAvatar(player, getConfig().getStringList("AVATAR"), AvatarType.PREMIUM);
- Example of how the class would look like:
public class STNMain extends JavaPlugin implements Listener {
public void onEnable() {
if (Bukkit.getPluginManager().isPluginEnabled("DeluxeAnnounce")) {
getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(this, this);
public void sendAvatar(PlayerJoinEvent event) {
DeluxeAnnounce api = new DeluxeAnnounce();
Player player = event.getPlayer();
// AvatarType.PREMIUM -> You can use this type and it will only send the player's premium skins.
// AvatarType.CRACKED -> You can use this one if you have a non-premium server and it will use the SkinsRestorer API.
// AvatarType.NORMAL -> Send a normal message without avatar.
// Being able to send normal messages with PlaceholderAPI placeholders
api.sendAvatar(player, getConfig().getStringList("AVATAR"), AvatarType.PREMIUM);
// Add more custom placeholders
List<String> list = plugin.getConfig().getStringList("AVATAR");
list.replaceAll(s -> s
.replace("{Text}", "Custom placeholder!")
.replace("{Text Two}", "Custom placeholder two!"));
api.sendAvatar(player, list, AvatarType.PREMIUM);
- Config.yml
- '<center>&9&lSTN &f&lSTUDIOS&e®</center>'
- ''
- '&f #B9FF00 SUPPORT #C63000 WITH #00C69F HEX #C6008D COLORS'
- ''
- '<center>&7PlaceholderAPI support</center>'
- ' &b❑ &fPlayer: &a%player_name%'
- ' &b❑ &fUptime: &a%server_uptime%'
- ' &b❑ &fPlayer IP: &a%player_ip%'
- As shown in the chat: