NEW: TokenEnchant now has addon (TEAddon-LevelUpEnchantCondition) which uses item/player level from this plugin to limit maximum enchantment levels.
This plugin provides the mothership framework for various level-up functions to be independently developed. When a level-up handler is released, you can simply drop LUP-XXXXHandler-x.x.x.jar into the "handlers" folder and LevelUp plugin will auto-discover the handlers and integrate it into the system.
Level-up handlers:
- Pickaxe: fully customisable pickaxe level up handler. Each time you mine, your pickaxe gains XP points. When XP points reach a certain amount, your pickaxe will level up!
- Sword: fully customisable sword level up handler. Each time you kill a mob, your sword gains XP points. When XP points reach a certain amount, your sword will level up!
- Bow: Fully customisable bow level up handler.
- OmniTool: fully customisable item level up handler. Each time you mine/kill with an item (customized through config) your item can levelup.
# This is a config file for LevelUp plugin.
ErrorMsg: "&c [LevelUp] : Some error occured : %error%"
LevelMaxed: "&c [LevelUp] : the level for &e%level_type% &chas maxed out at &e%max_level%&c!!"
LevelIncreased: "&c [LevelUp] : the level for &e%level_type% &chas increased to &e%level%&c!!" # by &e%level_diff%
LevelDecreased: "&c [LevelUp] : the level for &e%level_type% &chas decreased to &e%level%&c!!" # by &e%level_diff%
NoSuchPlayer: "&c[LevelUp] There is not such a player (&e%player%&c)."
NoPerm: "&c[LevelUp] You don't have a sufficient permission."
HandlerListHeader: "&a[LevelUp] Resistered levelup handlers - page:%page%/%total%-"
HandlerList: "%name% (%version%), %description%"
HandlerListTypeMore: "&a[LevelUp] Type &c/levelup list %next% &ato read the next page."
ReloadSuccess: "&b[LevelUp] Success: config file is reloaded."
NoSuchCommand: "&c[LevelUp] No such command!"
# Customizable help messages
msg: "=== &e[&aLevelUp Commands List (%version%)&e] &r==="
msg: "&a/levelup help : display this help menu."
msg: "&a/levelup reload : reloads config.yml."
permission: "levelup.reload"
msg: "&a/levelup list : lists registered level-up modules."
permission: "levelup.list"
- "lup"
- "level"
# this option is for the target outlet of the messages to go.
Title: false
TitleDuration: 40
SubTitle: false
ActionBar: false
Chat: true