This is a WarItems resource for the World of War plugin.   It includes items similar to Halo:

  • Sword
    • Energy Sword (diamond sword) : allows you to lunge and kill
    • Prophet's Bane (diamond sword) : allows you to be invisible while you're holding this.  However, when you move around, dust particles will show and others can see where you're.
  • Hammer:
    • Gravity Hammer (diamond axe) : allows you to shockwave and kill enemies
    • Tartarus Gavel (diamond axe) : allows you to remotely damage your enemies. (double-jump like effect is yet to be implemented
  • Grenade:
    • Frag Grenade (ender_pearl) : a general grenade, which explodes after the specified ticks.
    • Sticky Grenade (ender_pearl) : a grenade which sticks to a side of a block.
    • Splinter Grenade (ender_peal) : Z-400 Pursuit Disruption Grid GeneratorThe initial explosion will spawn 9 more splinters, each of which will explode upon the ticks or when a player goes nearby.
    • Flashbang Grenade : Flashbang grenade , It will cause flash and high-pitch sounds when it explode.
    • Pulse Grenade : Z-040 Attenuation Field Generator/Localized , The initial explosion will create the area with Harm and Slowness lingering potion effect and the final bang!.
  • We will continue to add more items from Halo (such as guns/grenade, etc.) to this resource...


Installation and configuration:

You can just drop WOW-WarItem-Halo-1.0.0.jar into WorldOfWar/waritems folder and restart the server.  You will find individual configuration files like "EnergySword_config.yml", "TartarusGavel_config.yml" in the waritems folder and you can individually configure how they behavie. 

Resource Pack and configuration:

Each item's configuration allow you to specify "material:" and "dataModel:".  If you have a resource pack which contains models/textures for certain material and model number, you can specify those materials and model number in each war item's configuration:

    enabled: true
    displayName: "&5Tartarus Gavel"
    info: "Halo's Tartarus Gavel hammer!"
    material: DIAMOND_AXE
    dataModel: 1002
      - "Halo's Tartarus Gavel Hammer!"

Then, WoW plugin will use the corresponding resource for those items.  Items appeared in the above video is using a model created by GriffballChump