
1. Drop zDrawer.jar into your plugins folders
2. Install
3. Its done !

✅ 4 types of drawers: SINGLE, DUO, TRIO, and QUAD
✅ Border customization for drawers
✅ Advanced item configuration with zMenu
✅ Ability to create custom crafts
✅ Options to add upgrades to your drawers
✅ Support for MiniMessage format
✅ Ultra-complete configuration settings
✅ Number formatting for large values
✅ Flexible configuration of drawer positions
✅ Multiple storage types supported: JSON, MYSQL, and SQLITE
✅ Animation when retrieving an item with a full inventory
✅ World blacklist functionality
✅ Item blacklist functionality
✅ Works with hoppers and redstone

Commands and Permissions:

  1. /zdrawer (Aliases: /drawer) » Main command
    Permission: zdrawer.use
  2. /zdrawer reload » Reload config files
    Permission: zdrawer.reload
  3. /zdrawer give » Give commands
    Permission: zdrawer.craft.use
  4. /zdrawer give drawer <player> [<upgrade name>] [<material>] [<amount>] » Give a drawer
    Permission: zdrawer.give.drawer
  5. /zdrawer give craft <player> [<craft name>] » Give a craft item
    Permission: zdrawer.give.craft
  6. /zdrawer place <world name> <x> <y> <z> <block face> [<upgrade name>] [<material>] [<amount>] » Place a drawer
    Permission: zdrawer.place
  7. /zdrawer purge <world name> <break block> » Delete all the drawers in a specific world
    Permission: zdrawer.purge
  8. /zdrawer clear » Removes all entities that come from the plugin. Useful in case of server crash or duplication issues.
    Permission: zdrawer.clear


  1. %zdrawer_content_<index>% » Displays the contents of the drawer with which the player interacts
  2. %zdrawer_amount_<index>% » Displays the amount of the drawer with which the player interacts
  3. %zdrawer_amount_formatted_<index>% » Displays the amount with the format of the drawer with which the player interacts
  4. %zdrawer_upgrade% » Displays the upgrade of the drawer with which the player interacts