
Note to Customers:
Please leave a review
containing any feedback and your honest opinion of the plugin and feel free to suggest upgrade ideas.

Inventory Saver can be useful in every server available. It is basically a improved enderchest plugin where the players can save, edit and delete their inventory, completely lag free.
The plugin can reach this lag free experience by using asynchronous task execution in the main fields.
You can configure the permissions so they can match perfectly with the server ranks or players.

If you found a bug, error or you just have questions, please contact me here:
contact page


  • 99% configurable.
  • Available in all versions. (1.7.10-1.18.1)
  • MYSQL support.
  • Support for ViaVersion, your players can use it from any version available, even after changing it.
  • Lags free.
  • Easy to use GUI and commands.
  • Permission for every rank where you can configure the amount of inventory, you will let the player save.
  • Asynchronous task execution.
  • Offline inventory edit.
  • Dismiss deleted inventories, so the player will never not understand where their inventory went.
  • Confirmation Gui so players don't have to regret rash decisions.
  • Delete from GUI or command.
  • Easy edit from GUI.
  • Multiple players can edit one inventory at the same time.
  • Block click inventory opening.
  • Inventory loading.
  • Armor support.
  • Page system.
  • Create, edit time saving.
  • Synchronize between databases.




  • invsaver.*
  • invsaver.others.* - Grants permission for everything with players.
  • invsaver.command.* - Commands except reload.
  •* - Infinite inventory save.
  • invsaver.bypass.* - Bypass everything except ""
  • invsaver.reload
  • invsaver.command.load
  • invsaver.command.clear
  • invsaver.command.sync
    •   Dropdown
  • - Open players sumgui but can't open inventories.
  • - Open players inventories as well.
  • invsaver.others.inv.edit
  • invsaver.others.inv.delete
  • invsaver.others.inv.load
  • invsaver.others.clear
  • - Not even invsaver.* grants this permission you have to add separately. No one will be able to open your sumgui.
  • invsaver.bypass.edit
  • invsaver.bypass.disabledworlds
  • invsaver.bypass.forcesave
  • invsaver.bypass.saveprice


Summary GUI (Shortly SumGUI)


A Saved Inventory

Short preview


  1. Purchase and download the plugin (Thank you!).
  2. Stop your server, put the .jar file in your server's /plugins/ directory.
  3. Start the server, plugin will generate all necessary config files.
  4. Fill in config.yml and language.yml with desired settings.
  5. Restart the server.
  6. Done!

Configuration and Language file

# The plugin will save in this format the date when sb saves or edits an inventory. 
# Help for the formating: 
date-format : "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss" 
# If true, the console alert your when a new update comes out. 
update-checker : true 
# If true players can open inventory (same as /inv menu but not running through command so if you want to disable command and just using this it will work fine) by clicking on the block below. 
  enable : true 
  material : ENDER_CHEST 
  # choices: RIGHT or LEFT 
  clicktype : Right 
  # In the disabled worlds player won't be able to use the block click function. Except players with "invsaver.bypass.disabledworlds" permission. 
  disabled-worlds :
   - world 
# Disable the economy manager for the plugin. 
# If it's true, the save price for the groups won't matter. 
  disable : false 
# If true, the inventory automatically deletes itself when loaded. 
load-inv-delete : true 
# If true, the inventory automatically deletes itself when someone else loads a players inventory. 
load-other-inv-delete : false 
# If true, the inventory automatically deletes itself when it remains empty. 
delete-if-inv-empty : true 
# The summary GUI (for short SumGUI) is the place where players can navigate through all of their inv or others. 
    material : ARROW 
    material : ARROW 
    material : EMERALD 
  # If first-item is true, the plugin will find the first item on the saved inventory and shows it as the icon of the inv in the SumGUI. 
  # If false, it will show what you setup at the material. 
    first-item : true 
    material : GOLD_INGOT 
    material : REDSTONE 
# InvGUI is the GUI which opens when you open an inventory from SumGUI. 
    material : ARROW 
    material : BLAZE_POWDER 
    material : REDSTONE 
# The confirmation GUI is the GUI where players have to approve tasks. 
    accept-item-material : EMERALD 
    cancel-item-material : REDSTONE 
    accept-item-material : EMERALD 
    cancel-item-material : REDSTONE 
    accept-item-material : EMERALD 
    cancel-item-material : REDSTONE 
# The type of the database. 
# Options: flatfile or mysql 
# Flatfile will save data in your local storage in the plugins/invsaver folder. 
database-type : flatfile 
# Mysql Database Connection 
  host : localhost 
  port : 3306 
  database : inventory_saver_db 
  user : root 
  password : "" 
# You can setup the permissions as you wish. Remove, add, edit 
# Continue the list by 
# nameofperm: 
#   permission: "" 
#   amount: 12 
#   edit: true 
# !!!You must start the permission with 
# The amount means how many inventories will the player be able to save with the permission. 
    permission : "" 
    amount : 2 
    edit : false 
    save-price : 100 
    permission : "" 
    amount : 5 
    edit : true 
    save-price : 50 
    permission : "" 
    amount : 20 
    edit : false 
    save-price : 20 
    permission : "" 
    amount : 30 
    edit : true 
    save-price : 0
dont-have-permission : "&cYou don't have permission to use this!" 
reload : "&aFiles reloaded successfully!" 
no-mysql-connection : "&cThere is no mysql connection. You should check the config file." 
sync-mysql-to-flatfile : "&aYou successfully synchronized the mysql database to the flatfile." 
sync-flatfile-to-mysql : "&aYou successfully synchronized the flatfile database to the mysql." 
dont-have-info : "&cYou don't have any information about your inventories." 
target-dont-have-info : "&cPlayer doesn't have any information about your inventories." 
no-inv-saved : "&cYou don't have any inventory saved." 
target-no-inv-saved : "&e%target% &7has no inventory saved." 
sum-gui-title : "&8%target% &6&l| &8(%page%/%allpage%)" 
inv-deleted : "&cYour inventory &e%invname% &cgot deleted!" 
inv-deleted-by-sb : "&cYour inventory &e%invname% &cgot deleted by &6%player%&c!" 
open-inv-deleted : "&cThe inventory which was open got deleted!" 
inv-loaded : "&aYou successfully loaded inventory &e%invname%&a." 
inv-not-empty : "&cBecause your inventory wasn't empty, your stuff got dropped on the ground." 
cant-find-player : "&cPlayer not found!" 
cant-open-sb-inv : "&cYou can't open their inventory." 
cant-find-inv : "&cCan't find inventory under this name." 
inv-saved : "&aYour inventory successfully saved in the database." 
inv-save-problem : "&cThe name must be at least 5 and no more than 18." 
money-withdraw : "&a%money%$ has been deducted from your account." 
not-enough-money : "&cYou don't have enough money on your account. &7(%money%$)" 
name-taken : "&cInventory name is already taken." 
inv-empty : "&cYour inventory is empty, so you can't save it!" 
cant-save-inv : "&cYou don't have permission to save any more inventory!" 
target-inv-empty : "&cTarget's inventory is empty." 
cant-save-sb-inv : "&cYou can't save their inventory!" 
saved-sb-inv : "&aYou saved &e%target%&a's inventory!" 
inv-saved-by : "&aYour inventory got saved by &e%player%&a with name &7%invname%&a." 
inv-dont-exists : "&cInventory doesn't exits!" 
inv-clear : "&aAll inventories have been successfully deleted!" 
inv-clear-by : "&cYour inventories have been deleted by &e%player%&c." 
cant-clear : "&cYou can't clear their inventories."

info-command :
 - "&7&m------------------------------------" 
  - " &6&l%player%'s &7informations" 
  - "" 
  - " &6» &7Invsaver Group : &e%group%" 
  - " &6» &7Saved inventories : &e%savedinv%" 
  - " &6» &7Can save : &e%allinv%" 
  - " &6» &7Can edit : &e%editinv%" 
  - " &6» &7Save price : &e%price%$" 
  - "&7&m------------------------------------"

  name-color : "&6" 
  lore :
   - "" 
    - "&7Saved by : &e%savedby%" 
    - "&7Saved at : &e%savedat%" 
    - "" 
    - "&7Last modified by : &b%modifiedby%" 
    - "&7Last modified at : &b%modifiedat%" 
    - "" 
    - "&7Click here to &aopen &7the inventory."

  name-color : "&c" 
  lore :
   - "" 
    - "&c%invname% &7got deleted!" 
    - "" 
    - "&7Deleted by : &c%deletedby%" 
    - "&7Deleted at : &c%deletedat%" 
    - "" 
    - "&7Click here to &adismiss &7the inventory."

  name : "&6Information - Page %page%" 
  lore :
   - "" 
    - "&6%number% &7inventories saved."

  close : "&cClose" 
  go-left : "&aGo Page Left" 
  go-right : "&aGo Page Right"

    title : "&cAre you sure?" 
    accept-item : "&cDelete Inventory" 
    cancel-item : "&aCancel and go back" 
    title : "&cAre you sure?" 
    accept-item : "&cClear Inventories" 
    cancel-item : "&aCancel and go back" 
    title : "&cAre you sure?" 
    accept-item : "&cLoad Inventory" 
    cancel-item : "&aCancel and go back"

  title : "&6%invname% &8inventory" 
  back : "&aBack" 
  load : "&6Load" 
  delete : "&cDelete"
Note to Customers: Please leave a review containing any feedback and your honest opinion of the plugin and feel free to suggest upgrade ideas.