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This plugin offers you two types of banks! Personal Banks as well as Shared Banks!
A player can have either both of them at the same time or just one if you enable the setting inside config.yml!

A bank allows you to withdraw and deposit custom amounts of coins, to do so you can choose between one of the 3 input types!
- Sign GUI (Requires ProtocolLib)
- Anvil GUI
- Chat Listener
You can choose one of them inside the config.

Banks include withdrawing menu, deposit menu, transaction history and bank upgrades!
All items in the menus are editable and movable, the size of the menu too!
Altough you can't add more items or remove some of the existing ones!
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Banks are upgradable and you can configurate as many upgrades as you want with custom interest for each!
For more detail about how interest works and stuff like that please check the documentation from Additional Info

The interest is an amount of coins determinated by your bank upgrade and how many coins you have in your bank.
It is given to you once per 31 hours (editable in config). For more info about interest, once again, check the documentation.

Bank Upgrades can request coins as well as permissions, it is all for you to configurate.
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