Page: 1 2 3 4 Oct 19, 2021
More Modifications
Fixed more stuff regarding the balancetop.

Attempted some modifications that would allow RoyaleEconomy and EssentialsX's Economy to coexist better.

Essentials' Files changed in more recent update without me noticing which could have caused some issues on import. (Modified the /rec_importessentials command)

1.5.7 Oct 15, 2021
EssentialsX Notice
EssentialsX's forced economy might cause incompatibilities, if you use both plugins test their compatibility (money being maintained between restarts, shops/other plugins using the right economy, etc). It is recommended to set no-economy to true in RoyaleEconomy's config.yml if you use EssentialsX

1.5.7 Oct 15, 2021
Fixed Stuff in BalanceTop
Modified some BentoBox functions

Added /killcoins messages - which will toggle the messages you get from killcoins

1.5.6 Oct 7, 2021
Shared Bank Important Fix + Time Rewards Reset Command
The shared bank had some problems with IridiumSkyBlock as well as generating some ghost banks in general (fixed).

Time Rewards reset command: /rerewards reset <player> <rewardName>

1.5.5 Sep 19, 2021
Fixed balancetop placeholder issue, in a previous update the name and coins were inverted.

Modified the shop mechanics, added some extra restrictions to prevent the creativity of some people that find ways to bug the shop.

1.5.4 Sep 16, 2021
Double Update (Forgot to update a class)
Forgot to update an item constructor class, sorry for the double update.

1.5.4 Sep 16, 2021
Updates + Fixes
Fixed some chat input gui problems.

You can now have enchanted items in the menus by adding " enchanted" at the end of the id (example: item-id: '158 enchanted').

%royaleeconomy_purse_death_amount% and %royaleeconomy_purse_death_amount_no_commas% placeholders were added on request of a buyer, they display the default amount you can lose, depending on the talismans you have on you and the default lose percent defined in the config.

1.5.3 Sep 11, 2021
Time Rewards Small Modification
Modified a config setting that would not work by default to the actual parameter for the timeRewards.yml config. (rewards>reward>no-permission>lore instead of claim-deny-lore).

1.5.3 Sep 7, 2021
Shop Fix + BalanceTop Update
Selling items for the amount 0 ocasionally was fixed (or so it seems).

The balance top now has a page load limit to prevent usage of unecessary memory.

The balance top function is now available even on no-economy: true. It will try to hook to Essentials or CMI for the purse top, in case it does not succeed it will just display the top with the players online at the moment of it's refresh.

1.5.2 Aug 29, 2021
Command Boosters + Fix
Fixed the default /pay display being broken by the new toggle command.

Added boosters based on permissions for the command /rec purse add player amount -applyBooster. If used without -applyBooster it works normally but with -applyBooster it will check if the player (if online) has the permission to get an extra percent of the amount.

Config added:

#The order you define them will also mean their priority
#Higher permissions should be put first
#They only apply on the /rec purse add player amount -applyBooster
#These boosters are not displayed in the /boosters command because they are for admin usage
permission: 'mvp'
percent-boost: 20
permission: 'vip'
percent-boost: 10

1.5.1 Aug 20, 2021
Shared Bank SuperiorSkyBlock Update
Forgot to implement the new SuperiorSkyBlock, added now.

You can have a separate name for the detailed shop menu if in it's file you add detailed-title: 'name'

1.5 Aug 18, 2021
SharedBanks Recode + Updates
The shared bank system has been recoded to offer better compatibility with other plugins and fix some bugs:
- performance was improved
- IridiumSkyBlock & GalacticSkyBlock compatibility added (keep in mind was not able to test every plugin hooked that I modified because I don't have friends to test with *sad face*, if you encounter any problem with a hook plugin contact me asap)
- while hooked, shared banks are no longer based on players, it will hook to the island itself (allowing it to generate banks even for islands created before the plugin was added)
- all hooked shared bank data will be reset due to the plugin creating a new table for the hook plugin instead of using the old shared bank table, shared bank data for non-hooks remains.

Fixed a critical bug regarding shared banks which allowed two players who have the deposit/withdraw menu open at the same time execute the transaction twice, which could bypass bank limits or create negative amounts.

Added a toggle option for the /pay command which lets users not receive coins through that command.

Placeholder Handling was modified a bit to stop an error that was thrown from the TAB plugin. Aug 5, 2021
KillCoins Storage was migrated from TXT file to YML file.
KillCoins had a bit of an internal recode to also improve performance, if any problems appear contact me.

External Library Dependencies are now relocated in the plugin to prevent incompatibilities.

Other small modifications were done. Jul 29, 2021
Cache Bug Fix
Fixed a critical bug caused by the latest cache modifications Jul 26, 2021
Database Modifications + Custom Scam Chance
The plugin cache of SQLite has been modified to catch the bank modifications too. Should improve performance (still BETA).

The setting of removing data from inactive players has been modified to check better for the players in cause. On MySQL it will also generate (or update if exist) backup tables after each data delete.

Added a new setting to the black market item editor, if scam chance is enabled, besides the default chance, you can have custom scam chances per item. Jul 20, 2021
SellAll Modifications
Currently trying to change the internal stuff happening in sell all.

The message "can-not-sell" has been removed, the plugin will auto-detect and avoid off-hand items, without canceling the sellall overall.

This should also avoid any armor item.

1.4.6 Jul 18, 2021
Time Rewards + Other Updates
Added a time rewards system which acts similar to a daily rewards system but you can customize the hours. Rewards are given via commands after the cooldown for each reward has passed. You can also have claim streaks which give extra rewards! (System is BETA, let me know if you have any problems)

Added a scam chance to the black market system. If enabled, people will have a chance to get scammed on the black market.

Added Anvil GUI for 1.17 (Sign GUI still does not work). Jun 11, 2021
1.17 Compatibility (BETA)
Added 1.17 compatibility. If you encounter any problems please contact me.

ATTENTION! Keep in mind that Sign and Anvil GUIs don't yet work on 1.17 (for me at least). As a temporary fix, use chat gui. (config.yml - line 99 - " input-type: 'chat' ")

Fixed an error for factions randomly popping up.

Added the option to broadcast gambling via 'broadcast-message' added to your gambling chance in gambling.yml. Jun 1, 2021
Small Update
Fixed a problem with the limited kill coins setting.
The gambling menu now can not be closed mid-rolling to prevent users canceling the roll when they feel like losing it.
Fixed other small things. May 4, 2021
Small Modifications
Added %percent% and %difference-amount% placeholders for the gamble win/lose messages, and for the gambling logs.

%percent% is the won/lost percent
%difference-amount% is the difference between the amount you started with and the amount you ended with

Added some error catchers for the close event of the gambling menu to prevent mid-gambling errors.

1.4.5 Apr 29, 2021
Gambling System + Small Features + Fixes
A new gambling system was added, check more on the plugin page! (The system is in beta)

Added an optional back button to the main shop structure, you can change it's slot and the commands it executes when you click it.

Added two settings for the sell-all feature:
- a setting that allows you to disable the selling of enchanted items
- a translation line for a message that was not editable

Fixed some minor bugs.
Disabled Commands will now output a message (unlike previous version where it was broken).

1.4.4 Apr 2, 2021
No Economy Implemented
I used to manage two separate jars, one containing a custom economy and the other having the same features but using an existing economy. It is too troublesome to have two separate jars so I have combined them in one.

A new option 'no-economy: false' will appear inside the config.yml also an export command which allows you to get data out of RoyaleEconomy and inside your existing economy.

Small Notice: The combination is a bit tricky and is considered BETA at the moment. If any problems appear let me know. Mar 31, 2021
Random Coins Bag + Close Shops and Banks commands
You can generate coin bags with a random amount in them by specifing the interval (ex: 500-1000 -> /coinsbag adminget 500-1000).

In the close-items from main-bank-menu and shared-main-bank-menu (in menus.yml) you can add close commands.

item-id: '166'
slot: 31
name: '&cClose'
lore: []
- 'broadcast well, this works'

A button was added inside the shop editor menu which allows you to add closing commands there too (but since the shops don't have a close button, they will trigger when the main shop menu is closed directly). Feb 27, 2021
Bug Fixes
Disabled the /sellall command while holding an item in your off hand to prevent a duplication bug.

Modified boosters a bit to prevent negative boosters for items that have buy value disabled. Feb 16, 2021
Fixes + Additions
Fixed » Sell All Command and Sell All Wands *magically fixing* items with reduced durability.

Added » Black Market Items now allow you to add commands on them just like the Shop Items.

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